Best N64 Games That Are Still Iconic In 2019

The Nintendo 64 (N64) came out in 1996 & was discontinued in 2002 but, many people still have theirs. Some people even build those N64 emulators & this year a proper N64 clone is coming out. So, it has been 17 years since it was discontinued but, the craze for the N64 is still the same. But, what about those super popular N64 games? Well, that’s what we’re here for. These are the best Nintendo games that are still iconic in 2019.

Super Mario 64

Who can forget the most iconic Mario game ever? The Super Mario 64 is the starting point of all the Mario love that is still pretty intense. It came out alongside the N64 in 1996 & of course, it was built by Nintendo. People still love Mario so much that an Android Emulator of the Super Mario Run was released a couple of years ago. Although, the nostalgia for Mario & the controller, is still unmatched.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Talking about the N64 & not talking about Zelda is so not fair. Definitely one of the most talked-about car games in the N64 history. It came out in 1998 & was developed by Nintendo. It’s still so much popular, Nintendo recently made two new versions of it. One came out with the Nintendo Switch & the other is scheduled to be released this year.

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GoldenEye 007

Remember the first person shooters in those early days? The GoldenEye 007 literally brought a huge amount of audience to the world of FPS. Based on the James Bond movie “GoldenEye”, this game really is a truly iconic name in the history of shooters. It actually came out in 1997 & kinda created the initial hype for the modern day FPS games.

Honorable Mentions: The list of great android games, never ends for the N64. So, we have some honorable mentions here.

We must give a shout out to Pokémon Stadium, Super Smash Bros., Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark & Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire.

The above mentioned are some of the best N64 game news you can have. Also, there are rumors that these games will soon be released in the upcoming Nintendo device. If that is surely going to happen, then we might get N64 games out from the GeekBook and might see more N64 content coming.

What do you think is the best N64 game form the above-given list. Let us know in the comment below.

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